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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:11次

1、别说是我忘了你,我根本就没记住过你。 Don't say I forgot you, I didn't remember you at all. 2、在回忆里重播被错过,所以我唱的都是寂寞。 In the recollection, the replay was missed, so all I sang was loneliness. 3、泛泛之辈,哪来的那么多故事陪衬青春。 Ordinary people, how come so many stories to foil youth. 4、如果心痛是爱你的代价,那么我笑纳。 If heartache is the price of loving you, then I will accept it. 5、我不是骨头,不能让每条狗都追着跑。 I'm not a bone. I can't let every dog run after me. 6、不想再做你的影子,我要好好做自己。 I don't want to be your shadow again. I want to be myself. 7、缺席你的从前,让我用未来补回。 Absence of your past, let me use the future to make up for. 8、盛世光年里,你欠我一段彼此相拥的纯净时光。 In the golden age, you owe me a pure time of embracing each other. 9、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate for it. 10、他没那么喜欢你,只是碰巧遇见你。 He doesn't like you that much. He just happens to meet you. 11、我爱的人你不爱我,就请你从老娘的世界滚蛋。 If you don't love me, please get out of my mother's world. 12、透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑。 Overdraft tears, we will be heartless smile. 13、左右一个人成功的,不是能力,而是选择。 It's not ability but choice that makes a person successful. 14、我听过太多未央歌,所以我也许不再会爱上你。 I've heard too many Weiyang songs, so I may not fall in love with you again. 15、爱情那奢侈的东西,配不上姐这平淡的心情。 The luxury of love is not worthy of my sister's plain mood. 16、人不能因为害怕以后,而对现在委曲求全。 People can not be afraid of the future, and now to compromise. 17、宁愿失去爱做回自己,也不要失去自己得到爱。 I'd rather lose love and be myself than lose myself and get love. 18、嘴甜是一回事,但是做不到真的别逞口舌之快。 Sweet mouth is one thing, but if you can't do it, don't try your best. 19、三月桃花开树下待,伊人花相惜花香浓。 In March, peach blossom is waiting under the tree, and the flower fragrance of Yi Ren flower is strong. 20、我还在原地徘徊,等待那早已没有旳未来。 I am still hovering, waiting for the future that has not been. 21、回头看看,原来,我把青春喂了狗啊! Looking back, I fed my youth to the dog! 22、把悲伤压在心底,把笑容挂在脸上。 Press the sadness in the bottom of my heart and smile on my face. 23、我那卑微的等待,何时才能被你发现。 My humble wait, when can you find out. 24、有一种感觉比失恋还有痛苦,那就是自作自受。 There is a feeling more painful than lovelorn, that is self inflicted. 25、用玩世不恭的态度,面对复杂的人生。 With a cynical attitude, the face of complex life. 26、世事难料,所以才有人生的味道。 The world is unpredictable, so there is a taste of life. 27、只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。 As long as the heart is still unwilling, it is not time to give up. 28、很多时候,我们都在自作多情。 Most of the time, we are in love with ourselves. 29、伤口撒盐除了残忍,还能让人清醒。 Salting wounds is not only cruel, but also sobering. 30、时间永远不会停留,停留的只会是记忆。 Time will never stay, only memory. 31、状态是干出来的,而不是等出来的。 The state is dry, not waiting. 32、等我回来,就请你从我心里搬出去。 When I come back, please move out of my heart. 33、在最深的绝望里,遇见最美丽的风景。 In the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful scenery. 34、我,没你想得那么坚强。 I'm not as strong as you think. 35、对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。 For you, I can only miss you as a stranger. 36、人生有很多事,一旦错过一时,就会错过一世。 There are many things in life. Once you miss a moment, you will miss a lifetime. 37、一人一孤城,半梦半浮生。 One person, one lonely city, half dream and half floating life. 38、我没有任何天分、我只有梦的天真。 I do not have any talent, I only dream of innocence. 39、第一眼的心动,全都是最后的悲伤。 The heart of the first eye, all is the last sadness. 40、要么谈恋爱到结婚;要么高傲的单身。 Either fall in love and get married; or be proud and single. 41、孤独是空气,你呼吸着它而感觉到自己存在。 Loneliness is like the air. The breath of it makes you feel alive.. 42、不怕你四面楚歌,就怕难过到死还要忍气吞声。 I'm not afraid that you are besieged in all directions, but I'm afraid that I'm so sad that I have to swallow my anger. 43、如果你能够放得下过去,过去也一定能放下你。 If you can put down the past, the past can certainly put you down. 44、总有一个人,一句对不起让你心痛到刻骨铭心。 There is always a person, a sorry to let you heartache to unforgettable. 45、他微笑着,在岁月的流失中毁掉自己。 He smiles, destroying himself in the loss of years. 46、很多时候,我们赢得了口舌,却失去了感情。 Most of the time, we win the words, but lose the feelings. 47、莫道有酒终需醉,酒入愁肠愁更愁。 Don't get drunk when you have wine, but worry more when you drink. 48、还是把自己经营好,让别人患得患失吧。 It's better to manage yourself and let others worry about gain and loss. 49、你是我做过最美好的梦,但我却是哭着醒来的。 You are the best dream I have ever had, but I wake up crying. 50、原来梦里也会心痛,能痛到醒来。 The original dream will be heartache, pain to wake up. 51、世界很美好,不美好的是我们的人心。 The world is beautiful. What is not good is our hearts. 52、都不是什么成功人士,就别互相指点人生了。 If you are not successful people, don't point out your life to each other. 53、没有办法喜欢上别人,所以选择高冷。 There is no way to like others, so choose high cold. 54、你从来就不属于我,谈不上什么失去。 You never belong to me, nothing to lose. 55、何时,倚栏相望,隔数声风雨,断尽念肠。 When, leaning against the fence, separated by a few sound of wind and rain, break to read intestines. 56、玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思知不知。 Linglong dice an Hongdou, Acacia know not. 57、自己选择的荆棘漫道,连滚带爬也要走到最后。 The thorns of my choice are all over the road, and I have to walk to the end. 58、无论贫穷还是富足,开心的人最令人羡慕。 Whether poor or rich, happy people are the most enviable. 59、愿你阳光下像个孩子,风雨里像个大人。 May you look like a child in the sun and an adult in the wind and rain. 60、为什么我总是不开心,感觉好孤独。 Why am I always unhappy and feel lonely.






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